craft law firm founders

Automotive Product Liability

Posted September 20, 2021 in
A father tragically backed over his young child when he walked into the vehicle’s blind spot. Craft Law Firm sued the vehicle manufacturer for its failure to install a backup camera, and resolved the case out of court for the family of the young child.
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Automotive Product Liability

Posted September 20, 2021 in
A woman sustained a traumatic brain injury when she was t-boned by a vehicle and struck her head on her vehicle’s interior. Craft Law Firm sued the vehicle manufacturer for its failure to install airbags that deploy in a side-impact event, and resolved the case prior to trial.
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Automotive Product Liability

Posted September 20, 2021 in
A college student suffered a traumatic brain injury in a side impact crash. The manufacturer of the vehicle failed to install side-impact airbags in the vehicle, causing the permanent and disabling injuries. Craft Law Firm prosecuted and resolved the case for the victim prior to trial.
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